About image
Here at QR VIEWMYMENU our team of background professionals are able to generate a QR coded Menu display system with no stress of Paper/Plastic Menus having to be cleaned or disposed of after being handled. With new government legislation to follow COVID-19 approach, we will put in place a quick and affordable system. Annual options available. Up dates to your Menus can be added with a pfd.jpg.tiff.gif. file being attached to your QR Generated Code which will remain the same throughout.

You are able to print off your QR code on to any media and attach it to all platforms. Facebook.Twitter. etc. Your website can also be added.

If you wish to transform your Menu system to QR please select a package.
Once you are on board we need to receive images of your Menu simply attached to an email.
Having received your Menu we are able to generate a QR code unique to your business and attach your Menus.
Your QR code will remain the same, up dates can be added and full hosting means an instant view for customers.
You will own the QR copyright enabling you to print your display on any media, table holders and displays.
We can offer to produce printed displaces with our Premium Package.
Thank you for your time.

With our help your business can become COVID-19 compliant with Government Legislation.